Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring chickens!!

Can you tell what the theme is around here? I want spring!)

At the end of February my four kids and I drove to a local hatchery my friend and her husband have just started and picked out 4 day old chicks.

Each child got to pick out their own chick and name it.

The black one is Buddy's and he named it "Blackhole".  The one on the top is DuderMan's and he named it "Tiger". The one on the bottom is Dollar's which she named "Peep". Actually it was more Pee-pee but we morphed it into something not potty related.  The one in the middle is PieGirl's chick which she named Bella. I swear she did not get that name from Twilight.

They were so incredibly cute! They spent the first few weeks in our bathroom.

And since my town now allows us to have up to six chickens within city limits, I of course had  to go out to the local ranch store and get two more.

You can see the smaller Buff Orpingtons I brought home at the bottom of the picture. These two didn't have anything to reliably identify them separately so they do not have a name. They are also the most wild and want nothing to do with us. Except for those pesky things like water and food.

Tomorrow I will show you what the chicks look like now....

Monday, March 28, 2011

And it will be still farther away

Today is the first day of spring break. My children laughed at me when I yelled down to their rooms to get up and get moving. Hurry up!

But it's SPRING BREAK!!  

Yeah, it might be the a break but it is not spring.

Light fluffy things started falling from the sky at about 6 this morning. Within two hours we had two inches of it covering everything. Including my strawberry plants that had finally begun to grow.

Sigh. So it will be a little longer before I can put my new chicken coop with its month old chicks outside.