Saturday, October 10, 2009

State Fair


We as a family went to the Idaho State Fair this year. I honestly think this is my favorite thing to do with the family. I don't know if this feeling is left over from my excitement of going when I was a child and now I get to share with my kids or if I am just have a child's simple entertainment need. But I love to go. This year we had everyone dressed in their Utah Jazz shirts that Mr. Edge brought back from his trip to Utah. We had several people congratulate us on raising our kids right. LOL.

We started with the animal barns. I love this part. I love seeing all of the farm animals and their owners who work so hard to make them ready for the fair.




We then work our way through the vendors and get the kids lunch. We let them pick what they want to eat. Buddy loves the foot long corn dogs smothered in mustard. I wish I had a picture of that but he eats so fast that I can never catch him with the camera.


Then after we get through crafts and hobby sheds we find the petting zoo. This year it was HUGE! They had everything from alpacas and donkeys to chickens and turtles. This picture is of the Pie Girl and Duderman petting a turtle.


Doller loved this part of the fair. It was so hard to keep track of her. She would run from one section to the next and squealed over each new animal. She loved the bunnies and came back to them several times.


They had baby pot-bellied pigs that were so cute! The petting zoo was offered by a local animal feed store and all of the animals were for sale. They had an area that was full of cages of about 25 different kinds of puppies. Again, for sale. This section was crowded full of adults holding and cooing over the puppies. I gave this section a wide berth! I don't need any more headaches.

We saved the rides for last. This year we were smart and went on the first day of the fair. They have a promotion that day that you can get these flyers from McDonald's that is worth tickets off each of the young kids' rides. This allowed us to have a lot more fun! Last year we miscalculated and the kids only got to go on one ride.

The boys loved the train ride and Duderman got to ring the bell during the whole ride and let me tell you, HE RANG THE BELL THE WHOLE RIDE.


Doller also loved the rides! She was frantic to get on them and the first time had a fit when we got off. She figured out pretty soon that we would go to a new one so became just all around excited.


I had fun with her too.


It's kind of hard to take a picture of yourself, your daughter and ride an exciting train ride. :)

For additional kicks and giggles, you can go to my husband's version of our trip to the fair by going to his blog at